Confident Connections

Welcome! Confident Connections is a collection of resources designed for parents and caregivers of children in grades K-12 to learn about and support youth mental health.  

Supporting youth mental health is firmly grounded in a strong relationship – a confident connection – between parent and child. 

Fostering a strong relationship between parent and child is essential in nurturing youth mental health. This collection of resources is designed to create a confident connection between parents and caregivers and their school-aged children.  

Explore our resources below to engage your child in meaningful conversation, connect with your child in an authentic way, and learn more about youth mental health and wellness.  

Confident Connections Resources 

To make our resources as accessible, practical, and specific to this goal of building a confident connection as possible, we have organized the collection into Say, Do, and Learn activities.


Strategies for engaging your children in meaningful conversations 


Activities to connect with your children in authentic and meaningful ways


Deepen your understanding of youth mental health